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Caboose Customs Co

Annoying Political Beeping Office Prank Joke Annoy-A-Tron Cricket w/ Magnet

Annoying Political Beeping Office Prank Joke Annoy-A-Tron Cricket w/ Magnet

Regular price $13.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.99 USD
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Sir-Beeps-A-Lot Revision 1 Hook Variant 2 is a clone of the now out of production Annoy-A-Tron and now includes a magnet.

The device can be hidden in an office, home, car, whatever, and when activated, will beep once every 5-60 minutes, at random. That means it is very tough for the victim to find the device! This beep length and volume has been slightly modified based on feedback from the first run. That is to say the beep is slightly quieter and shorter. Even tougher to find, and just as annoying!

Simply insert the INCLUDED battery to turn the device on and off. Instructions for battery insertion can be found in the images.

I've specially programmed these so they sleep between beeps (saving power!), so when activated, these can last up to 18 months.

Special Features
  • Hook to make hiding easier! Hang it on a cord behind their desk!
  • Magnet to make hiding easier! Attach it to the inside of their computer or a filing cabinet!
  • Battery saving software technology
  • 200ms beep length (requested by users!)
Ideas for Usage
  • Hide in co-worker's cubicle at work
  • Hide in friend's car
  • Hide in spouse's office
  • Hide in target's briefcase or backpack before a big meeting

This run is limited to 50 units, at which point I will change the design and images based on feedback. If you buy one, please reach out and let me know what you'd like to see in the next version!
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